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  • The Secret Behind The Magic 8 Ball (1 minute read)

    I hope you too find infinite opportunities and potential possibilities in everything around you....

  • Winning With Zero Expectations (2 minute read)

    Stephen W. Hawking had said, “My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus."...

  • The Journey From Negativity to Positivity

    If negativity is the weed that can take over my entire life if I do not remove it immediately, positivity is the sunshine in which my life thrives. I think, I can, and I will be positive....

  • The Journey To Being One Of One

    The Journey To Being One Of One

    If we don’t see ourselves as ‘One of One’, we won't be one. So, let us start by seeing ourselves as ‘One of One’ and let the fun begin....

  • The Three Dimensions of Success

    Connecting to impact separates us from being one of many and puts us on the path to being one of one....

  • We All Are A Publicly Traded Company

    In a connected world, we all have to see the power of our individual brand. We are all individual stocks which are publicly traded with the boards and shareholders. ...

  • Live Life Snooze Free

    “If you snooze, you lose!” holds a lot of truth. Once we start the day as a snoozer (meaning loser), we give up on all opportunities to build momentum throughout the day. ...

  • Leave Employed or Leave Empowered?

    We have two choices. You could only do the right thing and leave employed, or take a little risk and go on an unchartered path and leave empowered....

  • Secrets to Win Big

    Why 4/21 is The Most Romantic Day

    Every brand, every life has a story. All we have to do is to go out and find the story. ...

  • Creativity Secrets That Most Miss

    The path you choose positions you as a “We have a problem” or “we solve problems” mindset and goes a long way to set the tone of your culture....

  • The Cost of Announcing Your Failure

    The path you choose positions you as a “We have a problem” or “we solve problems” mindset and goes a long way to set the tone of your culture....

  • The Dimension Of Accountability We Often Miss

    Leaders who live accountability at the highest level, operate with the highest level of self-trust and earn everyone’s trust too....

  • Branding Is Like Selling Tomatoes

    Instead of the tomatoes, see the leaves and the vine. Once you see the bigger picture, it will connect on its own with your target customers....

  • Simple Rules Of Pricing That Are Often Ignored

    Pricing is a very intriguing part of any business. Businesses blend the science and art of pricing to get the customer over the final hurdle to say “YES”. But there is a very simple, logical, intuitive side of pricing that often gets ignored....

  • Was That Really Necessary?

    Businesses today are all creating parallel paths for their customers to access their brand using the digital path. It is not easy to maintain both a traditional and a digital path, but it is essential for both to sync. When they do not sync, it could either be that the digital path is missing key elements or the traditional path is holding on to outdated steps that are not needed anymore. Both are equally important to pay attention to....

  • What Happened To My Local Post Office?

    Businesses often make the mistake of over-reacting when there is a problem. Do you have a plan on what to do when things go wrong?...

  • The Gift My Daughter Felt Good Giving Her Mother

    Viral to me is when a customer feels “I must share the experience” with the world and actually follows through....

  • Who Just Entered Your Trust Circle?

    It is more important than ever before to have conversations with customers to find out what they love about you....

  • Secrets to Win Big - Arjun Sen

    Are We Encouraging Our Customers To Buy Less?

    It is more important than ever before to have conversations with customers to find out what they love about you....

  • How Playing Oprah Gets Big Wins

    It is more important than ever before to have conversations with customers to find out what they love about you....

  • Grandpa Grandpa, What Are These?

    What changes are happening right in front of us and what can your business do to embrace and stay ahead of it?...

  • What Can You and United Airlines Learn from Amazon, Domino’s, and FedEx?

    Whatever business you are in, you can find a way to generate this customer feeling....

  • How to get a decent workout for ONE DOLLAR?

    Businesses often fall in the trap of communicating price based on how they see it and how they will invoice, instead of pricing it from the point of view of their clients....

  • The Secret to Customer Loyalty is Hidden in your Guest Bedroom

    Once you walk the path of the customer, feel the pain-points; remedial action to get to a better experience happens nearly automatically....

  • I Can’t Believe You Did That

    In any business, failures happen. Identifying likely failure points and having a process to act with care when it happens is essential to winning the hearts of customers....

  • Whose Job Is It Anyway…

    In any business, every team member wants to feel pride and make a meaningful impact, but they need a clear path to achieve it. To solve for the biggest customer experience challenge for your business, ask yourself three questions....

  • What Else Can I Do For You?

    Businesses often put boundaries on customer deliverables. If they look at a customer connection to be lifetime, and each connection leads to a stronger future connection; then it is easy to see how profitable it is to go above and beyond with every customer, every time....

  • I Have Not Forgotten You

    how to make sure every interaction with the customer is wow, every time....

  • I Just Want Out!

    Showing actions every day means you put the relationship above personal gains and that really makes a difference....

  • Did You Just Either-Or Me?

    Once you see the lifetime connection with a customer and its impact on the business, then EITHER-OR gets easily empowered by GIVE MORE....

  • The Only Stock Tip You Need In 2021

    Each one of us are like publicly traded companies with shareholders owning stocks in the company....

  • We Were Never In A Relationship

    Customers seek “PURPOSEFUL Connections” with businesses that are important parts of their life, not their entire life....

  • A Face-Saving Act

    Big Wins come when you Win Big with every customer, every time. It all starts with SEEING BEYOND™ and CONNECTING TO THE WOW FEELING™ that you want every customer to feel each time....

  • Steps to Get Customers to Call You “Silly”

    We are all in the Feeling Business®. Get to know your customers’ every feeling and create the “Wow! How did you know I wanted this?” moment. ...

  • Are We Stopping at “My Stop”?

    Imagine you are one three gas stations off the freeway in a remote location. Your business success depends on what percentage of cars stop & choose you and giving them a reason to buy more than just gas. Instead of leaving it to chance, why not create a compelling reason for your business to be “My Stop” for every car on the freeway....

  • What is Your Thread?

    You can have a box full of beads, but when you find the right thread that connects the beads, you have a bracelet that everyone wants....

  • Secrets to Win Big with Arjun Sen

    Why Better Comes After Best

    Working with top business professionals and sports personalities, I have observed that the Best never stop investing in getting better. That desire to continuously invest to get better puts us on the path to sustained wins. Every time I have met leaders from any field,......

  • 311 Challenge Map

    The Journey For A Better World Started With A Hand-Drawn Map

    For any branding project the journey starts with a clear vision of the finish line. Five years ago, on a June morning, I started dreaming of an initiative to create a global digital space where there is only good news. That journey became real only......

  • The Illustration That Drove A Billion Dollar Business

    The year was 1999. Yes, we used to order pizza by calling the store directly and the average hold time was 45 minutes, especially on Friday evenings. While on hold, if the call got dropped then the customer had to start all over again. Finally,......

  • Together We Can Come Out Strong

    This current period of uncertainty was unforeseen. The layering of serious worries about health and economy is simply overwhelming. To make matters worse, none of us have a playbook to use during these times. We should not live in denial, but we must also believe......

  • It Is Not Just Water

    I had ordered catered lunch from a national fast casual chain for a business meeting. At exactly 11:30 AM Tamesha walked and immediately started setting up the catering chafing dishes for the hot food. She lit the burners and picked up a container full of......

  • Who Won The Super Bowl?

    On Super Bowl Sunday at 8:00 pm, with the 49ers down by 4 points and attempting a comeback, something strange happened on my TV screen. The screen froze, it had stopped streaming. I waited for a few minutes and then called my internet provider. Jack......

  • Would Your Grocery Store Do This?

    It was Christmas Eve. I was at the local grocery store trying to pick-up last-minute items before the store closed at 6 PM. The lines were long and there were store employees everywhere, assisting customers. When a self-checkout counter opened, I quickly walked up, scanned......

  • Can A Doggy Bowl Help A Dealership Sell Cars?

    What is the equivalent of the doggy bowl in your business? What is the one thing that will make customers feel “These are the kind of people I want to do business with.”?...

  • How Many Steps Do You Take With Your Customer?

    Last week, I was getting ready for a client presentation when I realized that I forgot to bring markers. I took an Uber to the nearest office supply store and asked Jeff, the first person I saw in the store, for help. He said the three magic words, “Follow me please!”...

  • What Is The Role Of A Mail Carrier?

    Isn’t the role of a mail carrier to deliver the mail? This year my daughter Raka had sent me some golf balls with a custom message for Father’s Day. The day the golf balls arrived; the mail carrier had put the box in my mailbox.......

  • “HERE YOU GO!” Really?

    It was a tough evening one night as my flight back to Denver was delayed more than three hours. I realized I will now get home at 2 a.m. As I was going through all these thoughts, I got the following text message from the......

  • How Can A First Impression Start With Worry?

    I had just got to my car rental at the Dallas Airport and the moment I turned my ignition on, the message said “Service B Exceeded by 5100 mi”. Hmm. That did not sound good. I was not sure if I should drive the car......

  • Find The Magic Of Customer Relationships

    I was back at Floyd’s for a haircut with my favorite stylist Dawn. (Click here to read how she became my favorite stylist). This was my first return visit and I was a little apprehensive if it will be as magical as the first visit.  Dawn......

  • Who Makes Colorado Beautiful Every Day?

    I was at Floyd’s Barbershop for a haircut. My stylist Dawn greeted me and during the haircut I learned that she has worked with the company for 11 years. I asked “What do you like about working here? Dawn: “Every day when I come to work,......

  • How Do You Deliver A Consistent Customer Experience?

    Too many brands only celebrate exceptional customer service. That means the rest of the time, service is simply ordinary. Instead, brands should define their standards based on what every customer gets every time and celebrate the percentage of times they deliver that standard. This way they......

  • Do You Really Know Your Customers?

    Your brand spends a lot on researching your customers and have created clear profiles of customer segments. You know what the segment members do when they are not visiting you and their choice of media. You know WHO they are and WHAT they do. But......

  • Is Your Loyalty Program Actually Working?

    How is your dating life going if you… Give out a reward card on your first date and after each date you punch a heart and offer a reward of carnations after 5 punches and roses after 10? For last-minute dates, you offer double points......

  • Gathering Too Much Data On Your Customers?

    How would you feel if you found out that your date was tracking where you go, what you do, and was found going through your credit card statements? You may feel that you are being STALKED. Shouldn’t your date simply pay attention to you and......

  • How To Generate Word Of Mouth Every Time

    Once you align your brand in the feeling business, it is important to quantify the value of positive feelings you are generating in your customers. Your customers always walk in with an anticipation and if you surprise them with something nice, it will start the......

  • You Are In The Feelings Business

    Every customer, every day walks into your store with anticipation. Everything you do or don’t do impacts your customers’ feelings and all the feelings blend to influence the customer’s relationship with your brand. Hence it is the Customer Feelings that defines your success. THE FIRST......

  • What Is Your “Two Minute Drill”? Do You Have A Plan To Deal With Peak-Time Traffic?

    Over the years, I have seen that for most hospitality brands, especially restaurant chains, the guest experience drops the most at peak times.  In fact, for some brands, nearly half the customer dissatisfaction comes during peak times. WHY IS THIS THE CASE? Imagine your brand......

  • Flawed poll results the new thing to move golf ratings?

    Flawed poll results the new thing to move golf ratings? By Arjun Sen, President and Founder, ZenMango April 2015:  Just before the Master’s golf tournament, released a survey as PGA Tour Secret Survey Data.  Here is the headline: When we twisted the arms of......

  • ZenMango Blog is Back… Traffic Defines Business Success

    Dear All, The ZenMango blog is back.  Had to take time off to finish the book Marperations®, which is finally completed.  Also have been planning to blog in a way that will be more relevant today and have some cool ideas that will launch in......

  • ZenMango Blog Hiatus

    The ZenMango blog is taking a hiatus as we focus on writing our upcoming book Marperations®.  ...

  • If Marketing Ran the Airline World vs. If Operations Ran the Airline World

    If Marketing Ran the Airline World:  As passengers board the plane, marketing would love to create “a moment” to start the experience. The moment could include a video where employees or the president of the airline thank customers for choosing the airline, then present a......

  • Beginnings – Lane Cardwell, President, P.F. Chang’s China Bistro

    Written for and distributed at the Marketing Executives Group, Chicago, May 19, 2011;  Published in Restaurant Marketing Group’s MEG Consumer Talk   Lane Cardwell President, P.F. Chang’s China Bistro I have had a lot of beginnings lately.  In the past two years I have doubled the......

  • The Start of Marketing and Operations Divide

    As we work in the area of Marperations, it is important to understand the origin of the marketing-operations divide. This understanding will help us figure out why operations cares so much about efficiency and why marketing has an eye single to effectiveness. A look back in history shows......

  • Operations Focused Marketing: A Marperations First?

    Ever since the inception of the Marperations concept, I have been searching for  examples where operations completely defines a brand and marketing simply must reflect the differentiated operations. Last weekend I found an example where I would have least expected it. I was in the......

  • Focus on the “real people” of your brand

      Pizza Hut goes for slices of real life with employees in ads  By KAREN ROBINSON-JACOBS / The Dallas Morning News  In an era when ordering a pizza doesn’t necessarily involve human contact, using workers in ads reinforces the message that “these are genuine human......

  • The Price-Value Equation and Golf

    Arjun Sen was featured in the November issue of PGA Magazine as the expert source on price and value in Don Jozwiak’s cover story article. The article keenly applies to industries outside the golfing realm and is well worth the read. Click here to jump......

  • Does Sports Marketing Really Work?

     It was a pleasure and honor to moderate a Sports Marketing panel at Dine America hosted by QSR Magazine. We had a great team of panelists that included Tracy White, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, and Chief Sales Officer for the Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta......