J, a friend of mine, just bought a new home. Two weeks after closing, he came back home to find a bottle of wine with a note from the real estate agent on the deck. J and his wife really enjoyed working with the real estate agent and were touched by his thoughtful gesture. The real estate agent continued to leave wine, one bottle every month.

After the third bottle, J was not impressed anymore. “During our home search, we had quite a few meals with him, and every time we shared with him that we do not drink wine. I cannot believe, he did not remember this simple fact. The first bottle, made us go awwww.” The following bottles caused J and his wife to start to question, “If the agent was not paying attention to this, what else did he miss as he helped us buy this home?  Was he ever listening? Did we buy the home we actually wanted to buy or the one he wanted us to buy?”

The gift of bottles of wine showed that what the agent gave what he wanted J and his wife to have instead of what they would have wanted. They would have been delighted with a packet of peanut M&Ms.


Give Your Customers What They Want

We are all in the Feeling Business®. Get to know your customers’ every feeling and create the “Wow! How did you know I wanted this?” moment.

How many branded trinkets and trash do you have in your home?  Do you have enough logoed pens, cups, key chains, caps, t-shirts?  Where they ever on your wish list? Do you remember who gave them to you and when? If you are getting stressed about that one more stress ball you might get, then please pause.  Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and get to know them, their life, and the role that your business plays in their life.

Once you get to know how your customers feel, you can never ever go wrong.  Your actions will show that you really know, and you genuinely care; those feelings will create a lifetime of connected memories in the mind of your customers.

So be comfortable with the fact that you may not know what your customers really want and don’t just gift them wine.  Pause and enjoy getting to know your customers; and that journey may lead you to gift them a family-size packet of M&Ms with a note, “Hope All is good! From you know who!”

That action will put big smiles on your customers’ faces, they may call you “silly”; but that is a “good silly”, a reward for you taking customers to where they really wanted to go.


Steps to Take for Customers to Call You “Silly”

  1. MINDSET OF MORE TO KNOW: Be comfortable that you do not know everything about your customers.
  2. BE EXCITED ABOUT THE JOURNEY: Be excited that you are about to discover something more.
  3. SHOW YOU KNOW, WITH PRIDE: Once you find the customer loves M&Ms and not wine, show you know that, in a personalized way. The customer will reach “Wow! How did you know I wanted this?”

You will be on the path to a lifetime connection. And once you wow a customer, simply Wow one More®!


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