Katrina Mitchell founded Franchise Speakers in 2008 with a mission to help franchisors find the right speakers. As a successful franchisee herself, Katrina experienced first-hand both energizing and compelling events and some that left her feeling disengaged and disheartened. Franchise Speakers was launched with the singular focus of helping franchisors find the perfect speakers to re-ignite, re-energize, educate and inspire their franchisees. Being a natural “connector”, Katrina has been happily hunting down perfect matches for Franchise Speakers’ many clients ever since. When not busy match-making, Katrina loves to ski, bike, paddleboard & hike with Franchise Speaker’s CFO (Chief Fun Officer) Cecil Roy, a sweet and fun-loving Australian Shepherd. Other passions include dancing, knitting, playing the harmonium, reading, and exercising on Zoom with her 85-year-old Mom. 

Here are some key insights from this week’s show:

  • Construct relationships in business around the core values of kindness.
  • Be passionate about mindset, resiliency, and happiness.
  • It is all about personal growth and personal accountability.
  • A big win comes from the amount and quality of time that we get to spend with the people we love.
  • Bringing franchisees together is the franchisors opportunity to help franchisees fall back in love with the brand. Don’t skimp! It’s your most important marketing and relationships investment of the year! 

Prefer the video version? Watch it here: https://youtu.be/lW9AgvYasjw